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Holy Trinity Anglican Church takes safeguarding very seriously. We are committed to protecting the welfare of children and of all adults who are vulnerable – whether that be our worshippers, visitors, clergy, staff or volunteers.

​We, the congregation of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hampton Park, as a devoted parish of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, do solemnly affirm our steadfast commitment to the safety, dignity, and well-being of every child and member entrusted to our care. It is our solemn duty to ensure:
(a) That everyone within our parish is cherished, safeguarded, and treated with utmost respect;
(b) That all forms of harm or abuse—be they physical, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise—are utterly abhorred and steadfastly prevented; and
(c) That we foster an environment wherein everyone may thrive, secure in the confidence that their rights and welfare are paramount.

To this sacred end, we declare our resolve to uphold the following practices:

1. Requirements and Clearances
All clergy, lay leaders, and those who serve in any capacity within the parish shall hold proper and current clearances, including Working with Children Checks and other certifications as directed by Diocesan authorities.

2. Instruction and Preparation
All those in positions of leadership or service shall attend Diocesan-mandated training programs and other instructional sessions concerning the safeguarding of children.

3. Oversight and Vigilance
The Parish Council shall give earnest attention to matters of child safety, making it a standing concern at every monthly meeting.

4. Swift and Compassionate Response
We pledge to listen with humility and act with haste upon receiving any concerns related to the safety of children.

5. Confidentiality and Respect
All inquiries, checks, and matters of concern shall be conducted with due regard for the dignity and privacy of those involved.

Furthermore, all those in service to the parish are bound by the Diocesan Code of Conduct for Child Safety, 2023.
Under the laws of the Colony of Victoria, it is required that any adult with reasonable belief that another has committed a grievous offence against a child under the age of sixteen years must report such information to the police. Failure to do so is a grave matter and may constitute an offence.

Should any concerns or grievances arise concerning the safety of children, they may be addressed to:

The Parish Priest, Reverend. Argho Biswas.
The Wardens or Members of the Parish Council.

The Child safety officer, Mescal Nelthropp.
For additional recourse, you may also contact:

Kooyoora Office of Professional Standards at 1800 135 246
Victoria Police by dialling 000​

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